Spiritual exercises are a way to open our lives to God’s transforming power. In this fun talk-show format session, we focus on the exercise of serving: using our gifts and […]
Faith in the Fire: August 23, 2020
As our county and region experience fierce firestorms, it tries our faith. Pastor Theo veers from our Jesus Stories series to see what God’s word says to us as life […]
The Seductive Power of Money (Luke 12:13-21) August 16, 2020
In 2018, Hurricane Michael, a category 5 storm with winds up to 155 mph, hit the state of Florida. In one beach community, it was a scene of total devastation. […]
Ready or Not (Matthew 25:1-13) August 2, 2020
The Bible talks about a time when Jesus will return, restore the Earth to it’s perfect state, and then rule in love and justice over this planet and it’s people. […]
Spiritual Exercises: Worship (Part 2): July 12, 2020
Gov. Newsom recently prohibited churches from indoor congregational singing to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This is the second half of our Spiritual Exercises panel discussion on worship. The first […]
Waiting for Harvest (Matthew 13:24-30) June 14, 2020
Wow! We have coronavirus to contend with, while at the same time we’re thinking about police brutality and racism and protests and looting. This week as we celebrate our graduates, […]
From idea to reality: What does it take? June 7, 2020
In our new Jesus Stories teaching series, we’ll dig into one of Jesus’ parables each week. Some will be very familiar; some of them you may have never heard before! […]
The End of All Things: Isaiah 65-66 – May 31, 2020
Have you ever thought about how important the last chapters of a book are? How something ends says a lot about the book or movie or series. As we look […]
Coming home: What do I say to Him? May 24, 2020
Is it possible to come home to God after times of rebellion? We have two more weeks in Isaiah, and this week we look at Isaiah 63 and 64. Here […]